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House 60, Road 7/A, Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka-1205
'Cultural Fast Food' an art exhibition by Wakilur Rahman
With a great pleasure, we ardently invite you to the art exhibition 'Cultural Fast Food' by Wakilur Rahman.
The exhibition will remain open 25 - 30 April, 2012 from 3 pm - 8 pm (except Monday).
Take a look for photos on 
“Cultural Fast Food”
Photography, 30 x 46 cm Each, 2011-12
Wakilur Rahman
We are living in world of determinism; each event of occurrence is due to its cause and effect from its previous mind set. The condition and state determines the future! Throughout the development of art history, we observe the opposition to the art of tawdry, wacky tacky, vulgarized, or pretentious art. But it was always there. These were called art of kitsch, hiding in a vacuum created by a societal need! “Harold Rosenberg” once said this kitsch art has some kind of sentimental values. And great Art theorist and Philosopher “Theodore Adorno “ first with few other art theorist termed kitsch as art form which they saw as a threat to the culture as a whole because of its immense popularity. The capitalist mode of culture and its mass production of tasteless art were predicted as early as the 30’s. As a matter of fact after crossing different epoch of artistic development the determinist factor remains as eventual happening and we are stepping into determinism, ushering a new mindscape of Kitsch art forms!
“Pop culture is fast food for the soul.” Fast food isn’t healthy for the body. Synth culture, like processed food, is largely artificial, unhealthy, and driven by the profit motive. And entire generations are being force-fed this unwholesome diet while the synth culture is sating its own rapacious appetite. Synth culture isn’t healthy for the soul and neither has it provided any real “nourishment”. And in both cases, our bodies, minds, and spirits remain hungry for real sustenance.
In my photography I wanted to show that kitsch art which originated first from the art markets of Munich in the 1860’s are making a move to stay. Despite its anesthetics and how cheap and crude the imitation can be, it is making a comeback in our globalised market scenario.
Attention |
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