Service and Support
Studio Facilities
The Center is proud to sponsor the work of both amateur and established artists through its studio program.
The Center houses two artists’ studios: a printmaking studio that offers training courses and work space for eight to twelve artists and an open space studio shared by two artists for a period of three months.
The printmaking studio is available for rent. Scholarships are provided to printmaking artists based on merit. Artists for the open studio are selected through an application judged on merit by the Board of Trustees. This space is provided to accepted artists space free of charge.
Gallery Space
Dhaka Art Center has six galleries for the display of painting, sculpture, video and other forms of visual art. The gallery space regularly holds exhibitions of quality artwork from the Dhaka Art Center’s personal collection. The galleries are also available for rent by artists and exhibitors, either individually or together.
The gallery spaces are available in three sizes:
a) 31’.6” x 15’.6” , b) 30’ x 19’.6” and c) 21’ x 15’.8”
Floor Plan
Groud Floor: 1st Floor : 
Two gallery spaces of each size are available for exhibition. Each gallery space features the basic necessities for the exhibition of visual art. Interested parties are requested to contact the Dhaka Art Center for further details.
Details for Gallery Rent
The Auditorium
The auditorium provides a space for the screening of short and feature length film and video. It is also used for the conduction of lectures, panels and symposia on a variety of topics.
The auditorium space is available for rent by private parties for art related engagements. The auditorium space measures 32’.8” x 20’.6” and can seat between 80-100 people. Please contact the Dhaka Art Center for further details.
Resource Center
Dhaka Art Center’s very own library and resource center provides the general public with a growing archive of texts and other media on art related subjects. The library offers a collection of essential books on topics ranging from architecture to theatre. The library space also stores a selection of films by important filmmakers and an archive of newspapers, magazines, periodicals and other necessary art publications.
The Center’s premises are also home to Ajo, an elegantly designed café where visitors can meet to have something drink and discuss art in a more relaxed and personal setting.
...... read more about Ajo